Program:  Summer 2024

  • Designed for students who are entering grades K-8. (Must be 5 years old)
  • Children have many choices daily:  arts and crafts, supervised free play in the woods, games, science, music, etc.
  • Children are grouped by age, with 10-13 children per adult.
  • Field trips on Wednesdays except for the 1st week.
  • Staff ratios vary according to the nature of the trip, with 5-10 children per adult.
  • Field trip transportation is by school bus.
  • We provide two nut free snacks a day.
  • Daily hours: M – F, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Don’t pay for days you don’t need.
We offer summer fun – one day at a time!

A Typical Day

(no field trip)

  • 8:00 a.m. – Early morning indoor free time
  • 8:30 a.m. – Free time, indoors & out
  • 10:00 a.m. – Snack
  • 10:15 a.m. – 1st group water games; others – choice of
  • 11:45 a.m. – Lunch & reading; 2nd group water games;
    others – choice of activities
  • 1:15 p.m. – 3rd group water games; others – choice of
  • 2:45 p.m. – Snack
  • 3:00 p.m. – 4th group water games; others – choice of
  • 4:00 p.m. – Late afternoon free time

Weekly Schedule

Each week has a theme.  While all participants will enjoy a wide variety of activities every day, many options will involve the chosen theme.

Themes for summer 2024:

June 24 – 28        Welcome to ASC!

July 1 – 3                Amazon Adventure              

July 8 – 12              Inside Out

July 15 – 19            Victory Lap

July 22 – 26          Master Builders

July 29 – Aug. 2   Summertime Hits

Aug. 5 – 9               Groovy Baby            

Aug. 12 – 16            Walk on the Wild Side

Aug. 19 – 23           Sense-ational

Field Trips

ASC tee shirts must be worn on all field trips. We have “loaner” shirts on hand (please wash and return to us) if you forget to bring one on field trip day. Extra tee shirts are available at $10 each.                                                             

For our 2024 Field Trip Times, click here.

What you need to know about summer: click here

Snacks and Lunches

We provide a nut free morning and afternoon snack. Please send a nut free lunch that does not need to be refrigerated or heated up.

Nut Safe
As a Nut Safe program, we make every effort to keep our eating environment safe for those with allergies to nuts and other foods.  We do not serve any snacks that have nuts as an ingredient.  We will provide some snacks that are free of other known allergens such as gluten and dairy.  When you send in your child’s lunch or if your child would like to bring in a snack, please make sure that nuts are not listed as an ingredient.

Bringing in personal items (electronics, trading cards, toys, etc.)

Please label all items that your child brings to the program. Cell phones can only be used to play games during electronics time. The phone in the office is available should your child need to call home. If you give permission for your child to bring items such as iPods, smart watches, handheld video games, Pokémon cards, money, etc., ASC is not responsible for these items should they be lost. On field trips that require a long bus ride, we will allow your child to bring electronic gear on the bus in a backpack provided by you. They may use the electronic gear only while on the bus. It must be left on the bus, which is not locked, during the field trip.

Call in absences

Please call as soon as you know that your child will not be attending. Our answering machine is always on. If we know a child is out, we call the next person on the wait list to attend.

Summer 2024 Registration

ASC registration is now more convenient! You may download the required forms from this page. You may also submit tuition payment here. Initial registrations and payments must be done in person, but subsequent payments can be paid online.

Summer registration begins in March. Registration will continue until we are full. The registration fee, the deposit and all forms are due at registration. No registration will be accepted without all the forms.

Required Forms

To sign up for Summer 2024, the following forms must be filled out and submitted:

*Only non-enrolled families must submit the starred forms.

Please note, if your child has asthma or allergies, the appropriate IHCP and Medication Consent form must be filled out.

Tuition Fees and Policies

(For more information on ASC policies refer to your parent handbook.)

Registration and Tuition

The non-refundable registration fee for the summer is $35 for one child, $50 for a family. The summer fee for non field trip days, (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) is $70 and field trip days (Wednesdays) is $85. At the time of registration, the registration fee plus the non-refundable deposit of $10 per day must be paid. The final balance must be paid in full by August 9th. 

Weekly tuition payments are due on Wednesday by 5:00 pm for the following week. Any spot not paid for by then will be offered to a child on the wait list and a late fee of $10 will be added to the bill. The entire week’s tuition will be forfeited if this is the case. No child may attend unless the entire weekly bill has been paid in advance.

Enrollment changes

You must give TWO WEEKS’ notice if your plans change, and your child does not need care. With two weeks’ notice, you will be refunded all but the registration fee and $10 per day. Without two weeks’ notice, you will be billed for the entire tuition. The $10 deposit may not be transferred to another day. Extra days may be added when space is available, upon payment in advance. With two weeks’ notice, you can make one change in your schedule and not be charged the $10.00 deposit (max of 5 days). The deadline for this change is June 14th. 

Wait list

If we are full and you wish your child to be placed on the waiting list, you must pay the $10 per day deposit. It will be refunded in full if we have no room for your child. This applies to families who pay in full as well as weekly payers. Don’t forget to check to see if your wait-listed child got in for the day, before sending him or her.


If your child will continue to attend after the time of the refund, or if you are paying weekly, your account will be credited with the proper amount. If you have paid in advance, you can request a refund at the end of the summer. Your refund will be mailed to you upon confirmation of the amount by our treasurer. There are no refunds for days missed without two weeks’ notice.

Check returns

When the bank returns a check, a $10 fee will be added to the child’s bill. The funds to cover the returned check plus the $10 are due within five days.

Late pick up

If you pick up your child after 5:00 p.m., you will be charged $1 per minute. On the 5th time, the charge will go to $5 per minute until the end of the summer.

Medical Expenses

Parents are advised to carry adequate health insurance for their child. It is understood that ASC is not liable for medical expenses incurred by children due to accident or illness.