Please review the handbook before submitting the forms listed below:
For your convenience, all mandatory forms are listed below. We do not accept photos of completed forms. You may fax, mail, or email (in PDF format) the completed forms.
- February Vacation 2025 Registration
- Summer Registration 2024 (2 pages)
- School Year Registration 2024-2025 (school year only)
- Child’s Information
- First Aid and Emergency Medical Care Authorization and Consent
- After School Club Rules
- Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
- My Child and Homework (school year only)
Fill out the following forms ONLY if your child fits the criteria:
- Medication Consent – For medication that will be taken at ASC such as: inhalers, over the counter medications, and prescriptions other than EPI Pens (i.e. antibiotics for ear infections)
- Food/Bee Allergy Action Plan – For food or bee allergies that require an EPI Pen or anti-histamine only.
- Individual Health Care Plan for EPI Pen
- Individual Health Care Plan for asthma
- Individual Health Care Plan for other – This form is to be used for all chronic health conditions other than asthma and allergies that require an EPI Pen, but including: ADHD, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, seizures, lactose intolerance that requires medication, etc.
Please submit the forms with payment (if payment has not been submitted online) to:
After School Club
60 Forest Park Road
Woburn, MA 01801-2439
Fax # (781) 569-0052
Email –